Recipes, diet foods, weight loss

Many sufferers decides if a problem, excessive weight, I don't know how to be very hungry to eat, but still losing weight. In this struggle a complex topic that will help you diet foods, weight loss, we tell about cooking next.

Basic diet diet foods

slimming meals

All products which are definitely impossible to embrace because of the list in a post food diet recipes low-calorie meals.

Best products for weight:

  1. Vegetables, except potatoes.
  2. Fresh fruit, except bananas, avocados, and grape. Eat fresh fruits and for use as desserts, fruit, yogurt etc.
  3. Fresh mushrooms.
  4. Grains. Question, the grain in water-borne without adding oil.
  5. Fish low-fat varieties, including the rights of the pike-perch, pike, cod, carp, bream and some other.
  6. Lean beef, chicken breast, skinless turkey, rabbit – meat products.
  7. Low-fat milk and milk products, including cheese, kefir, natural yogurt. Completely fat-free because it's not worth to buy for the body they're very useful.
  8. Greens: parsley, dill, spinach, lettuce and includes materials, at least calories and maximum benefit.
  9. To meet your needs get sweet, honey, dried fruit, dates, dark chocolate, sugar, fruit juices made of marshmallow. This dessert to those who are even allowed a small amount of fading and shrinking.
  10. Spices. When cooking if you use cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cumin, turmeric, and oregano.

To cook fry deep fried products can be listed or not. Low calorie meals will be served in case the products bake, boil, or a couple of meals. You need to use oil at least.

Diet breakfast

Diet foods to eat, weight loss easy because it is a valid principle here: the less manipulation, the better. Remember, really long-term saturation of carbohydrates in the morning provides, therefore, try to give preference to grain.

  1. Cook any puree, water, care socialize completely. A little extra salt and a meal. It looks like that's an option, pour porridge tea spoon honey add fresh strawberries for tasteless clothing, or dried fruit soaked in water slightly. Good breakfast to lose weight not yet arrived.
  2. Cottage cheese. We cheese plate, pour honey, decorations, strawberries, raspberries, raisins, cherries choose.
  3. The natural yogurt. Healthy mix: stylish blender, mix 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 3 tablespoons yogurt, ground beams dill. Stir quickly and consume.
  4. In addition, some salad, cucumber and tomato with a small amount of vegetable oil, complete with hard-boiled egg.
  5. If you don't want a baked apple with cheese. To remove the apple core, fill the cream cheese and place in the oven at 180 degrees for about half an hour. Enjoy a tasty breakfast, and helpful. If sour apple, pour, ready-to-eat, honey.

The transition diet with normal, hard, and the very first dishes looks fresh and tasteless. In some places only a few weeks and your body gets used to it, a new power, and it will bring the fun.

Diet lunch, diet

Basic food the soup diet to lose weight you need to be a fairly large amount because it takes your stomach and fills you up. Very lean, cook its permissibility "second" broth.

How to get a juice like this? Spilled water in a pot put the meat, poured the boiling liquid and foam removed after five minutes to put the sink. Clean water, waters, driven until the meat is tender the broth is poured. This "second" in the water which you can food diet vegetable soup.

  1. Neglect boiling broth (1.5 L) crushed an onion, one grated carrot, chopped potatoes are added, standing for 15 minutes (3-4 medium), some noodles. To drive until you are almost ready, salt added fresh chopped greens, turn off for a few minutes.
  2. Mushrooms along the above directions to diversify a bit (150-200 grams ). Wash them, chop, saute in vegetable oil until tender; remove excess oil on a paper towel to put. Neglect French fries, along with soup.
  3. Pumpkin tomato soup. We leave up to 1.5 liters of boiling point, neglect, and him in the form of powder: 100 grams of zucchini 100 grams of pumpkin, an onion, two sweet Bulgarian pepper, carrot. Cook until you are almost ready, neglect, or two ripe tomatoes, chopped, salt. Introduce another bow fry in vegetable oil and soup. A little boil, add the chopped greens and close the window.
  4. Rice soup, fish broth. A liter of broth, remaining after cooking fish, filter, neglect her a handful of washed rice, a couple of grated potatoes, grated carrot, and onion. Cook over low heat until tender. Add salt, a little allspice and Yesil.
  5. Pea soup-puree. Boiling water, well washed pea. Enough if a serving of food, 50 grams. Please until tender, add grated carrot and chopped onion, salt. After 10 minutes, sprinkle the Greens and close. So it could be, or a blender to grind.

Weight loss even doctors don't advise to completely give up a loaf of bread, so for lunch to complete a slice of whole-grain bread.

During dinner diet

Diet foods for rapid weight loss while helping with your forward-thinking during dinner. In the afternoon, use a protein based dinner a large amount of carbohydrate should be banned. So a basic dinner should be a piece of meat or fish has been welded or cooked, steamed. Bake in the oven without adding fat also meat and fish. That may be a basis to complete the salad, fresh vegetables or low-calorie vegetable stew. Recipes – below.

A helpful a salad of accommodation options for dinner:

  • to get a hundred grams of cabbage, beets and carrots, three grilled refillable spoon oil, a little salt;
  • cut, and we, in a bowl two Bulgarian sweet pepper, two tomatoes, two onions, leeks, a little bit Yesil onion, parsley. Add salt and one tablespoon of the oil;
  • shred and mix: hair floor joist lettuce, cucumber, a few radishes, onion, dill and Yesil. Refillable salt and oil. A valid use of fuel, low-fat sour cream or natural yoghurt;
  • shred and mix: celery, cabbage one hundred grams of cucumber, a small onion, parsley. Refillable salt, one teaspoon lemon juice and one tablespoon oil.

Dinner and other meals:

slimming recipes
  1. Diet patties, Turkey or chicken breast. Grind 400 grams of mince meat, add salt, pepper, Yesil chopped onion, and an egg. Shape patties and then eat them. That opens fresh vegetables.
  2. Omelette for weight. We receive, your favorite vegetables, for example tomatoes, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower and onions. Total weight approximately 200 grams. We shape them into cubes or strips roasting, greased with oil, pour into the whipped mixture (50 ml. milk, two eggs, salt and herbs). In the oven at 180 gr. about half an hour.
  3. Boil 100 grams of beans, pre-water dry-shod her in 6-8 hours. Fry chopped onion and grated carrot in a pan by adding a small amount of oil in the finished beans, salt, allspice, a few cloves crushed garlic tomatoes and a glass (or two teaspoons of tomato paste and half a glass of water). Close to 20 minutes off. Leading, sprinkled with chopped greens.

Sweet diet

Amazingly, between diet foods, slimming you can find and they're so cute.
Kim in the mode attenuation, it's not worth giving up entirely because it's sweet this threat, problems, and nervous system and went to bed.

Pamper yourself with the delights that you can use to:

  • diet cheesecake. Mix two hundred grams curd cheese, one tablespoon sugar, one tablespoon corn starch, egg white, hints of vanilla. The Qur'an, cheesecakes, bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes on a baking sheet with parchment we gave them 200 gr.;
  • fruit salad. The salad bowl mix your favorite fruits and berries, e.g. apples, kiwi, and strawberries, pour a small amount of honey and a spoon of yogurt. Enjoy;
  • delicate cream with cheese. In Blender, beater, 200 grams cheese, 100 grams of ripe strawberry and decorations, grated bitter chocolate;
  • oatmeal cookies. Buy, oatmeal and yogurt with a 3 to 1 proportion, mix and leave for forty minutes. We're adding a little cinnamon, a handful of raisins, a spoon of honey, move on. If too much liquid, add a spoonful of flour with it. Cookies spread on a baking sheet in the oven to 200 gr. about half an hour;
  • came to save you from losing weight in the summer sorbets. This refreshing cold desserts, fruits and berries. You can use it for baking as different raw materials.

Three hundred grams of strawberries, and 70 ml. of water using a blender blender, promote, 70 grams of powdered sugar and mix with a spoon. We're going to get and put container in the freezer. Yield time: 2.5 hours. Necessary stirring every half hour.